Please Read and Share!
This young man’s name is Vlad, he is one of our incredible young men! He is on a bus just before it leaves from the Ukrainian border.
This is when it hits like a hammer to the refugees “I’m homeless, country-less, I’ve left my husband, father, brother, grandfather behind to fight.
It’s the breaking point.
At that very point, big Vlad steps on the bus with a smile, a kind word of assurance and a bag with fruit, water, wipes and other necessities that they neither have the money, or shop to get what’s needed. It isn’t much, unless you have nothing. Vlad is a hero.
Please keep praying for our young folk at The Orphan’s Hands as they continue to reach and love on these precious people!
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You can call 334-456-5544
You can also give by mail:
The Orphan’s Hands
PO Box 35
Clinton,TN 37716

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble – James 1:27