We have very special guests at Vatra Village in Moldova! Two mothers are staying at Vatra until they can find a way forward from Ukraine to the west.
They came to us with nowhere to stay. Imagine, having babies and no where to sleep or eat. We immediately opened our doors and hearts to show love to these women who’s husbands have been left behind. We can’t fathom how they feel, saying goodbye to their husbands not knowing if they will ever see each other again. They are from Odessa where our OH home is, the husbands are waiting to fight the Russians when they attack the city. The bravery they show amazes and humbles us. In one photo the mom in gray feeds her baby, in the other, our house parent Natalitsa feed the other baby, giving its mom a chance to rest after being on the move for days.. Dear Lord, help us be an open door to those who have lost everything.
Please pray about helping us! We know you are being moved by the images you see on our posts and on TV. We ask you to participate in the rescue of these precious lives, they are real!
By going to our website there is a donate button there. Your gift, large or small will help us love immediately others! Please love generously! Thank you.
You can call today: 334-456-5544
Or By Mail:
The Orphans Hands
P.O. Box 35
Clinton, TN 37716

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble – James 1:27